When people treat other people poorly they inadvertently make the person the opposite of what theyߦre intending; more creative, more sensitive, more compassionate, more wise, more tuned in, more insightful, more fit, up to a point. After that, they turn bad. Itߦs like cooking. Itߦs either getting cooked, or, after that, itߦs burning.
I want to write about the micro version of what John Perkins writes about in Confessions of an Economic Hitman. Iߦve been saying the same ting but, about the dysfunctional/abusive ߦfamilyߦ. People tend to think that these kinds of relationships John talks about with the IMF and the World Bank go on only on a large scale. Of course, with the IMF they do but, the same kinds of behavior happens on all levels. Even with the relationships we have right around us that we live in everyday.
The Economic Hit of the Family system is similar. Iߦve been passionate about discussing and writing about the ߦfamilyߦ for many decades and was always met with resistance. People making excuses and unconsciously maintaining the status quo at their own expense.
I write about this again and again to illustrate the micro of the macro. The fact is; people never leave the family. Unless people truly grow up healthy, which most do not, and have a healthy separation from source figures, people never truly ߦfly out of the nestߦ. They end up taking the dysfunction into their jobs and lives. The boss or the Company becomes the new ߦparentߦ. Nature cannot be ignored or gotten over on. When ߦadultsߦ put a paycheck over doing whatߦs right, they are not grown up, they are under developed. Theyߦre choosing ߦMom & Dadߦ and the ߦsecureߦ paycheck over maturity and emotional growth.
Weߦre living in a world where people think theyߦre going to tell nature how things are going to go. I see it all the time. Iߦve trained myself to pay attention to it. Most people have been conditioned to put $ over health. This is not going to bring us to a good place. The fact that we live in a country where choosing $ is the opposite of choosing health should tell us something but, it clearly doesnߦt to enough people.
The obvious fact is. $ is destroying nature. Not only environmentally but, our health, physically and emotionally, relationship wise. How can choosing $ over these things be the path to take?
Our health and our bodies are meant to function a certain way to be healthy. Efficiently, cleanly, joyfully. Under capitalism, this is impossible because too much leverage is tipped towards too few stealing the rightful amount from the rest of us. This is against the way Nature functions. The ߦfamilyߦ system has become in many cases as it was for me, backwards. The child is there for the benefit of the parent instead of the other way around. Without a healthy family,, healthy parents, the structure of society is collapsing. Children NEED healthy people to lean on when they are young. People who will raise them and teach them morals and ethics and set and example of how to live them. All anything is about today is $$. ߦParentsߦ raise their kids and tell them to go out and make $. Not all thank God, but there are not enough real leaders for the young to rely on who can teach them what being a real adult is about because the ߦparentߦ hasnߦt done it themselves. They have not grown up themselves. The man made $ system is functioning one way while nature and human development are going another. There is No One to Help a child LIFT themselves up. Thereߦs No $$ in it. Human beings are becoming more and more diluted. even though they look like adults, they are children. The job is their ߦparentߦ. An Abusive parent which exploits their labor instead of paying them and treating them what theyߦre worth. There are no opportunities for a worker to move up like used to exist decades ago.
The devastation that is coming due to the deterioration of nature and human development and their unhealthy relationship to fake $ is inevitable.
If people canߦt understand that nature is the highest intelligence than theyߦre already way off course. Those who worship $ like many Corps do who will bomb, enslave and kill innocent people in fake ߦwarsߦ just to have it are ill people.
Why is there no mental health for people who have taken over our country and world with their addiction? Why do the masses allow these sick people to gain so much momentum? If we focused on health more and what health actually is emotionally/mentally, even spiritually we would never have allowed sick people to take over.
I hear so many people say things that are responsible for creating the horrendous conditions weߦre living in today. Many people live their entire lives and never question their attitudes or challenge the way they think. They unconsciously protect the system and keep themselves down. They are literally in an abusive relationship with the ߦgovߦ/Corps. Or, if they know that things are corrupt but, donߦt believe there is anything that can be done then, they do not know their rights and that the system must be dismantled.
In the documentary film Zeitgeist Addendum Creator Peter Joseph points out the how $ is debt designed to enslave the masses for the ߦbenefitߦ of the few at the ߦtopߦ. John Perkins talks about how the United States Corps, under the guise of ߦhelpingߦ a country, gives ߦloansߦ to that country, tries to buy the leader of that country so a few make fake $ while leaving the rest of the country devastated in fake debt. The people are totally unaware theyߦve been scapegoated. All the people really need to do, like in Greece and what Argentina did for 14 years was not pay it. The debt does not belong to the people.
This is exactly what I ߦknewߦ and have been telling people about the ߦfamilyߦ for decades. The abusive/dysfunctional ߦfamilyߦ functions the exact same way. A ߦparentߦ who is emotionally unhealthy uses their child to fill their own needs instead of the healthy parent meeting the needs of the child. This keeps the child in a never ending emotional debt trying to get what they NEED but do not know how and sets them up for addictions and trying to get what they need in unhealthy ways; dysfunctional relationships for the rest of their lives, chasing $, sex, power, shopping, drugs, etc.
I think of it like breathing,, the pressure on the outside of the lungs must be balanced by the pressure on the inside in order that the lungs do not collapse. Our relationship to $$ must be the same. We must meet $ with a healthy sense of self and having had our emotional needs met. If someone comes into a relationship with $ not having had their needs met adequately by a parent or a surrogate adult growing up,, their healthy self worth will be collapsing under the addiction to $. Trying to gain more and more of their worth from something unnatural that simply cannot provide it.
The people become so conditioned to believe that $ is valuable, if people do not have or are not given the emotional and self worth to negotiate and keep themselves balanced, the tipping over is a mathematical certainty. In our society, however, someone like a Jordan Belford is seen as normal. No one ever asks why people get addicted to these hedonistic lifestyles. What is it in their past that creates the addiction? Why donߦt we deal with it before things get out of hand? Why donߦt we live in a healthier society?
I am angry because I was right as a child. I saw and experienced what more and more people are realizing today and I was told I was wrong by the very people who should have been supporting me and giving me credit.
I write this because if we donߦt learn to live in the Math, the evidence, the facts and reality, like it or not, weߦre done as a race.
I knew what was happening to me as a child. There was not one real adult around to be a mentor, teacher, leader. I will continue talking about this because Iߦm sick of everyone around me all my life telling me to ߦget over itߦ or ߦlet it goߦ. Telling people who know theyߦre being mistreated and robbed of their basic needs is wrong. This is what has led to the few having obscene amounts while ߦparentsߦ and ߦneigborsߦ tell their children they have to ߦget overߦ needing their rightful share. If we donߦt look at the bad habits that led to the creation of this disaster system, it will never change.
The people I was surrounded by as a child were ignorant and unconscious. They had absolutely NO idea what they were doing or how to raise a child into a healthy, successful adult. Those around me were turning nature on its head.
We talk about EXXON, Texaco or BP destroying the earthߦs environment by polluting or through deforestation. But, we never think about how the ߦfamilyߦ system and human relationships are mangled and the exchange between members in the family is completely destroyed by abuse.
I could feel very early that I was not being treated right and that my health was being severely harmed by the very people who you need to rely on and who should be there for YOU more than anyone in the world.
Just like weߦre living today with the bankers, police and companies people work at like Walmart, that the relationships are abusive.
The abusive ߦfamilyߦ and Domestic Violence are now large scale.
I could feel that instead of me getting what I needed emotionally from my ߦparentߦ, I was being robbed and having my resources stolen by the very person I should be able to trust more than anyone. That ߦparentߦ uses their child for their own needs instead of the other way around. Weߦre living in this disaster system now because of the abusive/dysfunctional ߦfamilyߦ that no one wants to talk about. That those who grew up in them are acting out the abuse and dysfunction on the most vulnerable like a huge abusive Domestic Violence situation.
I resisted and told people what was going on in my house. First, I was growing up with domestic violence and having my environment polluted as a kid. I was under so much stress and there was no one there acknowledging it or comforting me to at least counter it, that I self mutilated and pulled most of my eyelashes out on the top lid. From the 2nd until the 5th grade I did it. I self mutlilated in other ways too but, that was the worst.
When you try telling others and the response you get is ߦoh, your poor mother, she couldnߦt raise you because no body taught herߦ, that is the wrong thing to say to a child whoߦs being neglected and adding to their abuse. All one has to do is do the math. A child being told that has no choice but to go into debt to ߦbail outߦ the ߦparentߦ. This is wrong! Children should not be making excuses for and bailing out ߦparentsߦ. Parents should be raising and treating their child in healthy and respectful ways.
What happens when there is No healthy adult around for a child? Everyone around me had the same attitude, ߦyour poor motherߦ. This is totally wrong! A child deserves a healthy parent. A child should not be told to have to feel responsible for a parents emotional or physical needs. Not only is the child being abused at home, theyߦre being abused by the neigbors who say that and anyone else who does.
That is pretty much what Iߦve heard all my life. ߦGet over itߦ. That is why the 99% is poor and stupid. You will never hear a 1%er tell another 1% to ߦget overߦ a loss. The people are their own worst enemy because theyߦre too ignorant to see that this is how they devalue themselves and their own children.
Nature does not and will not ߦjust get over itߦ. This is how detached people are from reality and how nature works. Nature and health will not be dictated to. It DOES the dictating. When the body feels something, it feels it. When a child feels soemthing, the feel it. Only totally incompetent people and cowards who have no busness having children would say that to a child. Yet, they get away wih it everyday while the 1% cashes in. The 1% love GMO ߦparentsߦ like that because thatߦs how they destroy the family and create the next generation of slaves.
I was right for decades pointing all of this out, reading, studying about the ߦeconomyߦ of the family and no one listened. People just minimize everything, never stepping up to the plate and taking things seriously enough. Now, weߦre living in a situation I was pointing out decades ago 100 times over.
Letߦs see if it will work telling nature to ߦjust get overߦ all the pollution. Letߦs see if nature will ߦlet it goߦ of all the fish and sea life washing up on beaches in
Panama, California, Japan and other places
Try telling Nature to ߦjust get over itߦ. When are people going to seriously start changing their habits?